
Come experience a 3.75 mile Eucharistic Procession 

Reenacting the walk to Emmaus.


The Emmaus Procession began with Jesus and two disciples.

Luke's Gospel (24:13-15) tells us “That very day two of them were going to a village named Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were talking and discussing together, Jesus himself drew near and went with them.”

We will recreate this in a 3.75 mile Eucharistic procession. Jesus, present in the Eucharist, though in a hidden way, will walk with us in reality. As we are walking, scripture that points to Jesus, especially in the Eucharist will be read, just as Jesus “beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.”

When/Where to Park

Please park in the lot one block north of Our Lady of Lourdes, Bettendorf. We will have signs and volunteers helping guide you to the parking. Shuttles will be provided to take you to the start point, Sacred Heart Church in Moline. The buses will run from 6:30 am to 7:30. Please be there as early as you can to help us get everyone over there. Mass will begin at 8.

If you plan to park at Sacred Heart Church in Moline cars must be out of the parking lot by 10:30am for another event taking place there later in the day.

Route of Procession

The route will take us from Sacred Heart to St Mary in Moline. From there we will cross the Mississippi over the I-74 bridge. We will continue to our end point at Our Lady of Lourdes, Bettendorf. If you would like to join at one of the parishes along the way and only walk part of the way you are welcome to.  You may coordinate this on your own or we can assist with this. There will be a shuttle following the procession for those that need assistance.


We are estimating the Procession will conclude with Benediction at Our Lady of Lourdes around 12.

The Knights of Columbus from Our Lady of Lourdes Parish-Bettendorf, Iowa, will offer free cold water and hot lunch for purchase following the Emmaus Procession Oct. 7. Hot dog, chips and drink for $5; hamburger, chips and drink for $7. Meals served at the conclusion of the event. Proceeds support the new St. Joan of Arc Catholic School campaign.

Come walk with Jesus.

Taryn Watkins 

